Fire Stopping

A preventative and essential requirement of commercial and some residential builds. Fire stopping ensures voids, essentially around service penetrations in fire compartments are sealed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.

Fire compartmentation in buildings in the form of walls and floors is designed to protect the occupants of the building.
• Penetration sealing systems provides compartmentation
• Contains fire in the place of origin for a period of time

Intumescent Sealant systems are water based acrylic intumescent or silicone based fire protection sealants. Adhering to most types of surface, which when cured form a non-hardening seal; preventing the passage of smoke, toxic gases and fire for up to 240 minutes fire protection.

Penetration seals are vital in upholding compartmentation to prevent the spread of fire within a building. Penetration systems are a primary requirement of the fire safety design in all buildings. The service penetration systems we provide and install are cost-effective and prevent the spread of fire, smoke and toxic gases through any gaps in the walls of a structure. These sealing systems include Intumescent mastics, Ablative Batts, fire barriers and fire compounds.

Restricting a fire and it’s components, flames, smoke and toxic gases, to its point of origin is a crucial component of effective fire stopping and passive fire protection of a building. It is important to preserve structural integrity of building compartments where communications, services, utilities, etc go through fire resisting walls. Key areas to consider are;

• Construction linear joints
• Apertures and penetrations via floors and walls
• Cavity barriers
• Service openings (eg ducts), within wall surfaces and floors
• Combustible pipes and cables

There are a wide range of passive fire protection solutions and Fire-stopping products that can be utilised to effectively seal penetrations, apertures and openings within a building’s fire compartments. These include; fire batts, covers, mastic sealants, fireboards, collars, mortars, fire curtains, putties and pillows.

Air Sealing – With the recent changes to the Building Regulations Document L, we are able to provide systems to meet the new demands for air and gas sealing of buildings. Boards, mastics, and tape can all be used to achieve long lasting effective results. Air sealing design needs to be inherent within the design of the building to ensure it is cost-effective. It is always possible to seal a building at any stage; however the cost can rise if it is an afterthought. We are happy to come to site at an early stage to discuss and offer advice on your requirements.

Air tightness / air permeability is defined as the resistance of the building envelope to inward or outward air leakage. Air leakage is driven by pressure differentials between inside and outside a building caused by wind, stack effect and mechanical ventilation systems. Excessive air leakage can lead to increased energy consumption, increased drafts within the building and increased risks of condensation within the building fabric.

Talk to us about Fire Stopping today

Please call or email to speak to one of our experienced team.

Latest case studies

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Unity Place – Milton Keynes

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Old War Office – Whitehall

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Bath Road – Slough

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Project Sienna – Basingstoke

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Dyson – Malmesbury

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Wembley – Quintain

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Westfield – White City

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Foundation Park – Maidenhead

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Principal Place – London

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